User Guide/Buy Tazor & Taz

Make sure to connect your Metamask wallet to the blockchain of your preference.

Getting Started

Step 1: Metamask Wallet

  1. On a Chrome, Brave, or Firefox web browser, install Metamask Extension

  2. Create a new Metamask Wallet

  3. Take note of your new wallet “address”, “seed phrase”, and “private keys”

Step 2: Add blockchains to Metamask Wallet

  1. add the “Binance Smart Chain” blockchain to your wallet by clicking “Add To Metamask” and then “Approve” on the Metamask pop-up window.

  2. You can also choose any of your other favorite blockchains to add to your Metamask Wallet by following the same directions for them. (AVAX, BSC, Celo, Ethereum, Fantom, Harmony, Moonriver, Polygon, Songbird, Telos, Theta)

Step 3: Coinbase Account

  1. Create a Coinbase Account

  2. Connect your bank account

  3. Buy AVAX

  4. Send AVAX to your Metamask wallet “address”

Step 4: Buying Bonds

  1. You can buy TAZOR at a discount by using one of the token assets on the bonding page, like WBNB.

  2. Click "Connect" to connect your Metamask wallet. Approve the transaction.

  3. Swap 90% of your BNB for WBNB by typing in the amount of BNB you want to use in the BNB box and then clicking the "Swap". Confirm the Metamask Transaction

  4. Click "Bond" on the WBNB row, then click the "Approve" button that pops up.

  5. After that transaction finishes, type the amount of WBNB you want to use in the box next to the "Bond" button. Now click "Bond". Approve the Metamask transaction.

  6. You will receive your TAZOR over the next 5 days during the vesting period.

  7. After you receive all of your TAZOR, go to to sell whatever amount of TAZOR you want to for TAZ so that you can start to increase your APR.

*Optional* Step 4: Buy TAZOR and TAZ immediately from DEX

Step 5: Building Wealth

There are multiple strategies that you can use to build your wealth, and even though we do not offer financial advice, here are some suggestions.

  1. Go to and click “Approve TAZOR”. Click “approve” on the Metamask pop-up window.

  2. Click “Approve TAZ”. Click “approve” on the Metamask pop-up window.

  3. Stake all of your TAZOR by inputting the amount of TAZOR that you have in the “Stake TAZOR” box and then click “Stake TAZOR”. Click “approve” on the Metamask pop-up window.

  4. Scroll down to the “Calculator…” button and open it to find out how much TAZ you need to obtain your desired APR. There is no limit to how high you can make your APR!

  5. Now you know how much TAZ you need to stake in order for your rewards to accrue on your staked TAZOR at your desired APR

  6. If you already have the amount of TAZ you need, input that amount of TAZ in the “Stake TAZ” box and then click “Stake TAZ”. Click “approve” on the Metamask pop-up window.

  7. If you don’t already have enough TAZ, you can buy more at a DEX AMM, or you can patiently build up your amount of TAZ by compounding your daily TAZ rewards into the “Staked TAZ balance” until you achieve your desired APR.

  8. Redeem your TAZ rewards as often as you like. After achieving your desired APR, many users will choose to take a percentage of their TAZ and add to their Staked TAZ to increase their APR, and then sell a percentage of their TAZ for take home profits.

*Note - These same type of steps can be performed for any other the blockchains that we are deployed on.

Last updated